The African Resource Group – Cameroon Ltd (ARG-CAM) is a limited liability company created in 2014, based in Cameroon with its headquarters in Buea. It is a knowledge network with expertise in two key areas:

– Capacity Building, training and facilitation; and

– Policy research and development.

We coordinate and develop continental research and expertise. It also provides customer tailored training, design training modules, organizes and provides project cycle management in thematic areas off agriculture, climate change, as well as facilitates the exchange of knowledge transfer, best practices and experience sharing.

The main intervention areas of African Resource Group – Cameroon Ltd includes: vocational training and economic empowerment of women and youths; agriculture and rural development; food and nutrition security; conflict resolution and risk management; environment, climate change and natural resources management; health education, transport and logistics management, GIS and remote sensing; and gender mainstreaming.


African Resource Group – Cameroon Ltd has carried out a number of projects in collaboration with several national and international organizations including

Development of an integrated coastal zones strategy and capacity building for women who work along the fish value chain on climate adaptation

It involved the development of an integrated marine and coastal zone management plan for the Limbe City Council. Adaptive capacity building for women who work along the fish value chain. At the end of the training, cool boxes for the preservation of fish products were donated to women and youth fish folk in the down beach are

This project was carried out in 2015, and aligns with the desired outcomes 1 and 4 of the UN-Women Cameroon 2022-2023 Biennal Work Plan which aims at helping more women and girls to have equitable access to high quality public goods, services and resources that are responsive to their needs.

Gender Climate Change and Agriculture Support Program

The Gender Climate Change and Agriculture Support Program (GCCASP) financed by NEPAD in collaboration with the Cameroonian Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and the Family; and GeoSAS Consulting Plc, Ethiopia from 2015 -2020.

The project educated rural women on how to mitigate climate change effects on agriculture and agribusiness.

Develop organizing capacity for rural women on group dynamics and formation of agricultural associations or cooperatives; which aligns with the expected outcome 5 of the UN-Women Cameroon 2022-2023 Biennal Work Plan which aimed at helping more women and girls exercise their voice, agency and leadership, including through an enabling environment that supports women’s and youth organizations.

Promoting decent rural youth employment and entrepreneurship in agriculture and agribusiness at the Regional multipurpose youth empowerment centre Buea .

Analysis and documentation of best practice and lessons from Africa's community experience on agricultural driven rural transformation with focus on expended jobs and economic opportunities for youths and women

In 2017, a Consultancy on an analysis and documentation of best practice and lessons from Africa’s community experiences on agricultural-driven rural transformation with a focus on expended jobs and economic opportunities for youth and women was carried out by ARG-CAM with financial support from DIA Europe

Consolidation of project brief of NEPAD projects in Egypt.

In 2017, the UNWFP in Egypt contracted ARG-CAM to produce a programme document for the implementation of NEPAD Programs in Egypt.

Assist in the management of the project Strengthening opportunities for rural youth employment and entrepreneurship in Africa

Land governance and management in Cameroon

ARG-CAM collaborated with the World Bank in the production of a report on the land governance assessment framework studies on food policy in Africa from 2015 to 2016.

Promoting decent rural youth employment and entrepreneurship in agriculture and agribusiness at the Regional multipurpose youth empowerment centre Buea .

From 2017 to 2019 the African Resource Group – Cameroon Ltd served as a consultant at the Regional Multipurpose Youth Empowerment Centre Buea in the implementation of an AUDA-NEPAD sponsored project titled: “Promoting decent rural youth employment and entrepreneurship in agriculture and agribusiness”.

Conducted the student selection for the project.

Design the curriculum for the implementation of the project.The implementation and monitoring was also conducted by ARG-CAM.

At the end of the training, start-up capital was given to youths to enable effectively engage in agriculture and agribusiness practices; which aligns with the desired outcome 2 of the UN-Women Cameroon 2022-2023 Biennal Work Plan.

ARGCAM is partnering with the Duke Foundation on the implementation of its objectives

Our collaboration includes the following:

  1. A project on the distribution of facemask and community sensitization on the COVID-19 pandemic was carried out in Presbyterian Churches within the Buea Municipality in 2020 and 2021.
  2. A yearly health education scheme is in place to educate girls on menstrual hygiene, reproduction and HIV/AIDS.

During the 2021 World Menstrual Hygiene Day, ARG-CAM in collaboration with The Duke’s Foundation organized a sensitization campaign at the Presbyterian Girls Secondary school in Limbe where over 200 young girls were sensitized by a professional nurse on menstrual hygiene and its importance, qualities of good menstrual pads, disadvantages of poor menstrual hygiene; and how to prevent Covid-19 infection.

From the above cited major projects carried out by ARG-CAM in collaboration with its various partners, it is evident that:

  1. ARG-CAM has successfully implemented projects involving partners at the national, regional and global levels.
  2. ARG-CAM excels in knowledge and application of AU agenda 2063 and the UN SDG policy frameworks.

All these positions ARG-CAM to be an implementation partner for the UN-Women.