About Us

\\ About Us \\

African Resource Group Cameroon

African Resource Group-Cameroon (ARG-CAM) is a private consulting company based in Cameroon. It is a think tank and knowledge network with expertise in two key areas:

The firm coordinates and develops continental research and expertise. It also provides customer tailored training, design training modules; organizes and provides project cycle management, facilitate training opportunities abroad when necessary, as well as facilitates the exchange of knowledge transfer and internships, best practices and experiences sharing.

Our Vision

To be a leading catalyst in the provision of innovative and sustainable solutions to developmental challenges in Africa and thus contribute to the socio-economic transformation of the continent, in collaboration with national, continental and international stakeholders. ARG-CAM is led by indigenous expertise, knowledge and resourcefulness; and thus represents a new form of value creation and proposition to the benefit of all stakeholders.


Africa is on the trajectory for socio-economic transformation and needs to harness human capital and expertise to support the knowledge input required to attain the inclusive growth and development of the continent.

As a continent, Africa has a tremendous pool of experts, now relatively location-independent, such as university professors, highly experienced retired civil servants, young graduates etc spread over the continent and yet Africa is considered to be lacking in human capacity.

ARG-CAM’s goal is to create opportunities to bring and make available these human resources for innovative thinking and solutions in support of actors at all levels.

ARG-CAM Mission
  1. To fill the institutional gap and make accessible expert knowledge by sourcing and pooling competences in various fields.
  2. To create a continental platform that promotes and supports African experts to provide the necessary knowledge and expertise to drive Africa’s sustainable development.
  3. To create an African knowledge base for the effective development and implementation of country-led and nationally owned programs.


ARG-CAM has identified important development challenges and opportunities to which African expertise including retired senior civil servants and other high-level government officials, professionals and new young graduates could be mobilized to utilize their knowledge and experience to deliver high level management consultancies.

Thematic Areas of ARG-CAM’s Intervention

Conflict Resolution and Risk Management

Risk mapping and analysis including hazard mapping, vulnerability analysis and development of Early Warning Systems. The specialized risk management and conflict resolution experts provide analysis that support conflict resolution and risk reduction efforts at the community, national and regional levels.

Agriculture and Rural Development

Capacity building for agriculture and rural development, feasibility studies of development projects, evaluation of projects with specific or multi-disciplinary agriculture and rural development projects. In addition, ARG-CAM also focuses on the designing of integrated watershed management programs and projects; and undertaking various studies in areas of crop, livestock and fisheries.

Environment, Climate Change and National Resources Management

Develop and research on national, as well as international initiatives related to the environmental protection, climate change and adaptation, tourism, sustainable management of natural resources such as livestock, wildlife, fisheries and extractive industries. The firm’s multi-disciplinary professional team develops proposals and strategic plans on the above mentioned issues.

Food and Nutrition

Contribute to the national, regional and continental efforts to address food and nutrition security by providing expert knowledge and recommendations. Provide a comprehensive analysis on the various dimensions of food and nutrition security drivers.

Information Technology, GIS and Remote Sensing

Utilizes GIS and RS technologies for a wide range of applications such as: emergency response monitoring, food security and early warning, vulnerability and hazard mapping, natural resource management, disaster risk assessment and management, impact assessment, agriculture development, environmental modeling, infrastructure mapping and planning, health mapping and market information assessment

Gender Mainstreaming

Proposes guidelines and capacity building for mainstreaming gender into strategies and programs.

Providing cutting edge, credible and reliable services.

Ensuring national ownership of development process in order to meet identified needs to ensure relevance of solutions.

Delivering development solutions that result in sustainable outcomes for all stakeholders.

Practicing zero-tolerance to unethical behavior, challenging it personal and organizational level.

Using the most appropriate skills and competences, continually seeking opportunities to improve through innovative approaches.

Sharing our knowledge of best practices with colleagues at all levels to continuously enhance the quality of our services.

Commitment to financial transparency, accountability and adhering to relevant international norms and standard compliance codes.

Commitment to financial transparency, accountability and adhering to relevant international norms and standard compliance codes.